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Date 27-July-2024 9:49
Applicant Options

Core Solutions Image
: 26-Jan-2024 13:00
Important Notice: Temporary Closure of Current Recruitment Web Page and Launch of New Career Site

Dear applicant,

As of today, our current recruitment web page is temporarily closed for maintenance and improvements. We are excited to announce that we will be launching a new and enhanced career site dedicated to our recruitment efforts.

The new career site is scheduled to go live on 31 January 2024. We apologise for any inconvenience this temporary closure may cause and assure you that the updated platform will offer a more seamless and user-friendly experience for all applicants.

During this transition period, we kindly request your patience and understanding. Rest assured, all previously submitted applications are secure, and the recruitment process is proceed accordingly. All future job openings will resume on the new career site where you will be required to re- register for a new account.

We encourage you to visit our new career site starting 31 January 2024, to explore the exciting opportunities available and submit your application. We are confident that the enhanced features will provide you with a better overall application experience.

Thank you for your understanding and continued interest in joining our team. If you have any urgent inquiries or concerns, please contact us via email at recruitment@hcpc-uk.org

We look forward to receiving your application on our new career site.

Best regards,